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J A N U A R Y   2 0 0 4 

Shipped January 19, 2004


The tiny Snits have been persecuted for ages by the huge Bolotomi. Then, one day, inspiration strikes! A few brave Snits run inside a Bolotomus, and attack from within. Can they kick the snot out of their foe's internal organs before the Runnungitms get 'em? It's the Snits' Revenge!

This wacky classic was one of Tom Wham's very first games. Now it's back . . . along with the prequel, Snit Smashing, which previously appeared only in magazine form and has been unfindable for almost two decades. Snit Smashing explains why the Snits are so upset. They just want to run back and forth, to and from the ocean, reproducing. The Bolotomi smash them for fun (hey, it's boring on that beach). No wonder the Snits want revenge . . .

Snit Smashing is for 2 to 4 players and takes about an hour. It's a game of outguessing (or psyching out) your opponents.

Snits' Revenge is basically a 2-player game and plays in about a half-hour. It's more of a traditional wargame (if you can imagine a wargame where the board represents the insides of a huge imaginary creature). However, the attacking Snits can be divided between up to four players, who fight it out if they defeat the Bolotomus . . . making it a 5-player game which takes an hour or more.

Two insane little Tom Wham games in one box. Under $20. Truly, life is good . . .

Rules, die-cut counters, a two-sided full-color map, and two dice in a 6" x 9" box. Stock #1421, ISBN 1-55634-548-8. $19.95.

Cardboard Heroes Castles: Walls and Towers

Put a castle in your backpack!

Cardboard Heroes Castles are great-looking 3-D structures that fold up for play, and fold down again for travel and storage! They're heavy cardstock, but they're die-cut and pre-scored to make them easy to build, and they're designed to fold and unfold without damage.

This set continues the Cardboard Heroes tradition of great miniatures and accessories at a low price. Each set gives you four towers and four walls (plus assorted castle goodies) -- set them up as a full castle or two smaller strongpoints. And you can add sets to make your fortress the envy of the surrounding kingdoms!

Cardboard Heroes Castles are full-color (of course), gorgeous, and totally portable. When the game's over, just fold 'em up and go!


16 die-cut cardboard pages plus instructions. Stock #2150, ISBN 1-55634-695-6. $24.95.

Munchkin Monster Guide 2.5

Contains 150% more than the first volume! (Just don't ask 150% more what.)

The twisted geniuses behind the first Munchkin Monster Guide are back! The Munchkin Monster Guide 2.5 contains 3,905 monsters -- of which only 3,872 are orcs -- including such fell nasties as Auntie Paladin, the Misplacer Beast, and the dreaded Thing With a Name So Long There's No Room for a Picture in the Book. It also includes new monster templates, guidelines for updating your Munchkin campaigns to the 2.5 rules, and the wit for which the Munchkin RPG has become (in)famous.

More creatures to slay . . . more treasure to plunder . . . more levels to gain . . . the Munchkin Monster Guide 2.5 has it all!

48 pages, hardcover. Stock #3407, ISBN 1-55634-722-7. $14.95.

GURPS WWII: All the King's Men

Winston Churchill promised the British forces would "never give up, never surrender." Now you can fight as one of His Majesty's own in GURPS WWII: All the King's Men! Watch as the storm clouds gather over Europe in the late '30s . . . and an unprepared England declares war against Germany in its fighting prime. Experience the fear and heroism of Dunkirk, the sweltering seesaw of Africa, and the final triumphs of the Anglo-American campaigns as a battered British Empire pulls victory from the jaws of darkest defeat!

All the King's Men describes soldiers from all around the British Empire, the way they were recruited, trained, and sent to war, the men who led them, and the battles they won and lost.

You'll also find a cross-section of British weapons and equipment -- from the very good to the very bad, from sidearms to the battleship King George V -- and a host of campaign and adventure ideas for GMs.

So, keep your chin up and get your lads in the thick of it -- sharpish!

128 pages. Stock #8009, ISBN 1-55634-640-9. $24.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped January 19, 2004

The Awful Green Things From Outer Space (Reprint)

Monsters Everywhere!

The crew of the exploration ship Znutar just wanted to cruise around the Galaxy, discovering strange new worlds and playing pool. But then their ship was invaded by the Awful Green Things . . . and suddenly they were fighting for their lives!

In this wacky two-player game, one player controls the Awful Green Things. They grow and multiply every turn... especially if they can gobble up a crew member! The other player commands the crew, frantically trying weapon after weapon (pool sticks, fire extinguishers, cans of Zgwortz) in hope of finding something that kills the monsters.

This great game was created by Tom Wham. It first appeared in Dragon Magazine, and was later released as a boxed game from TSR. When they let it go out of print, SJ Games picked it up! This edition includes Tom's "Outside the Znutar" rules and counters, for going out the airlocks and fighting on the surface of the ship.

Boxed, with full-color map, rulebook, die-cut counters, and five GREEN dice! Stock #1335, ISBN 1-55634-094-X. $19.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped January 19, 2004

Illuminati Blank Cards

20 blank cards - 10 Illuminati cards and 10 Group cards - for your Deluxe Illuminati game. Make up your own evil additions!

20 blank Illuminati cards. Stock #1377, $4.95.

F E B R U A R Y   2 0 0 4 

Shipped February 17, 2004

GURPS All-Star Jam 2004

Nine Authors. One Book.

Take nine fan-favorite GURPS authors. Give them each 10,000 words to write about whatever they want. The result is GURPS All-Star Jam 2004, featuring:

  • Kenneth Hite, writing about ghost hunters;
  • Phil Masters, with a fairytale world of muskets, ghosts, and strange magics;
  • Beth McCoy, channeling Walter Milliken, on a truly dangerous job – Mythic Babysitting;
  • David Pulver's far-future space-opera campaign setting;
  • Gene Seabolt, giving us the travails of the last band of Spartan mercenaries, trapped in a decaying Europe;
  • William Stoddard, looking at subterranean settings for all types of roleplaying adventures;
  • Brian Underhill, with a GURPS take on airships;
  • Jonathan Woodward, looking at the science-fictional implications of Precursor races; and
  • Jon Zeigler's "Chariots!" – a cinematic look at the age of flashing bronze and larger-than-life heroes.

Nine (well, ten) top authors at the top of their games – GURPS All-Star Jam 2004 has something for everybody!

128 pages. Stock #6421, ISBN 1-55634-723-5. $24.95.

GURPS Traveller: Sword Worlds

The Day After Ragnarok

The Sword Worlds stand at the border of the Third Imperium, a small but proud civilization descended from ancient Terran migrants. Their inhabitants have spent centuries fighting for independence - from the Imperium, from the other great empires, even from each other.

A decade ago, the Sword Worlds went to war against the Third Imperium. They lost. Today, the Sword Worlders are in search of a new destiny, in a universe where their fierce pride seems headed for an inevitable fall.

GURPS Traveller: Sword Worlds brings this unique culture to life for the player and GM. Every world in the area is described in detail, as are local history, social features, special technologies, and important people. A wealth of adventure seeds gives the GM plenty of starting points, for any campaign set in this distinctive region of the Traveller setting.

144 pages. Stock #6631, ISBN 1-55634-725-1. $26.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped February 17, 2004

Munchkin (Reprint)

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it. This new card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . . And it's illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.

Boxed game. Stock #1408, ISBN 1-55634-473-2. $24.95.

Shipped February 17, 2004

Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe (Reprint)

You demanded it, and here it is. Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic . . . 112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Catapult and, of course, the dread Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all.

112 cards. Stock #1410, ISBN 1-55634-554-2. $16.95.

Shipped February 17, 2004

Munchkin 3 – Clerical Errors (Reprint)

You wanted more Munchkin, so here it is! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic . . . Munchkin 3 -- Clerical Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them who's the mightiest, munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.

And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:

112 cards. Stock #1416, ISBN 1-55634-713-8. $16.95.

M A R C H   2 0 0 4 

Shipped March 19, 2004

Illuminati: Crime Lords

Rival mobs battle for control of the city. Take over the rackets, rake in the dough, and rub out the opposition. It's the American dream.

You'll start with a few gangsters and some cash. Recruit more crooks and take control of income-producing operations like bordellos, chop shops, and loan sharks. The police and the Feds are after you, but your biggest threats are your fellow mob bosses. Scheme, negotiate, backstab. You can share a victory, but it's much more satisfying to say "There can be only one Boss. And it's me."

Illuminati: Crime Lords is based on the Illuminati system. It's not a supplement, but a separate stand-alone game created by Steve Jackson.

Boxed game with 112 cards, rules, die-cut money and status counters, and dice. Stock #1375, ISBN 1-55634-720-0. $34.95.

Star Munchkin 2 – The Clown Wars

The Munchkins take to the stars -- again!

Star Munchkin 2 brings the epic saga of The Clown Wars to life, except with better acting . . . Star Munchkin took the rules-bending, power-gaming, dungeon-crawling insanity of the original Munchkin and put the whole thing in space, where the monsters are more alien, the weapons more zappy, and the treasure -- well, there's still piles of treasure.

Strap on the Sprayser or X-Rayser and go ray-gunning for new monsters like the Nerds of Prey! Play a new race (the Bugs) or class (Space Ranger!), and do it all with Ralph, the Wonder Dog by your side. Star Munchkin 2 -- The Clown Wars also has a new card type: Rooms. Just open the door, and . . . "oh, noooooooooo . . .!"

Star Munchkin 2 is a supplement to Star Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to a game of Munchkin or Munchkin Fu instead, or mix them all together for a Munchkin-fest of truly mind-bending proportions!

112 cards and rules sheet in shrink-wrapped folder. Stock #1418, ISBN 1-55634-724-3. $16.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped March 19, 2004

GURPS Egypt (Reprint)

When Greek historians first declared the Pyramids to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World, they had already been ancient for almost 3,000 years. The nameless Pharaoh confronted by Moses before the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt was only one out of an unbroken string of 200 "living gods" in that country. Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Rameses, mummies, evil priests of Set: the names have resonated in the Western world for five millennia.

There's a lot of adventure to be found in 5,000 years . . .


128-page book. Stock #6083, ISBN 1-55634-342-6. $24.95.

A P R I L   2 0 0 4 

Shipped April 19, 2004


Greed Is Good!

. . . and there's treasure to be won, so what are you waiting for? Three to six players race to the bottom of the dungeon to grab The Hoard. Now all you have to do is get out with it . . . but everyone else is between you and the exit!

Each player has his own deck of cards that control movement. Bluff, scheme, and strategize your way to the head of the pack . . . but some cards will change the rules when you least expect it!

This is a fast, unpredictable game, easy to learn and fun for all ages, with lots of quick replay value. And it's illustrated by Phil Foglio!


Boxed, with 168 full-color cards, six stand-up color figures with bases, map, and rulesheet. Stock #1435, ISBN 1-55634-727-8. $24.95.

Transhuman Space: Toxic Memes

Believe It Or Not . . .

Though you might not have a choice. 2100 is ruled by memetics -- the science of analyzing, engineering, and manipulating ideas. Memeticists know how to get into your head for power, money, and religion. Or just for the fun of it.

Toxic Memes explores cults, conspiracies, urban legends, and fads from around the world at the end of the 21st century. In a world where belief, fear, and ideology can be sculpted like clay, how does anyone know what they really think?

Toxic Memes is a sourcebook for the Transhuman Space setting, and includes detailed rules for the creation and propagation of memes, technologies for controlling information and managing reputations, new characters, new templates, campaign ideas, and over a hundred cults, movements, conspiracies, myths, and fringe sub-cultures to use as adventure seeds, background flavor, and to enhance your game's sense that the world of Transhuman Space is a very strange place indeed.

144 pages. Stock #6712, ISBN 1-55634-726-X. $26.95.

GURPS WWII: Motor Pool

By Land, Sea, or Air . . .

World War II raged from the deserts of North Africa to the jungles of the South Pacific, the mountaintops of the Alps to the beaches of Normandy, to the high seas, the undersea depths, and the skies above it all. And everywhere were the machines of war -- the bombers, fighters, tanks, jeeps, ships, submarines, landing craft, and more, thousands of designs built by dozens of different countries.

GURPS WWII: Motor Pool is the definitive sourcebook for it all. Using the WWII Modular Vehicle Design System from the GURPS WWII Core Rulebook (itself derived from <>), Motor Pool has complete stats for combat vehicles of all types, from all theaters and combatants, in mankind's greatest conflict.

No matter what type of GURPS WWII game you're playing, Motor Pool has the info you need to ramp up the action!

128 pages. Stock #8011, ISBN 1-55634-642-5. $24.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped April 19, 2004

GURPS Greece (Reprint)

The land we call Greece was the home of one of the greatest cultures the world has ever known. With GURPS Greece, you can experience the challenges of the heroes of myth: Contend with the love and the wrath of the gods as you set out on epic quests. Fight for loot and honor, or earn a bitter death on the plain before the gates of fabled Troy. Win prestige as a statesman in the city Assembly - or lose everything as the people turn against you and send you into exile.

GURPS Greece includes detailed timelines and maps describing the world as the Greeks knew it, information on their religion, rules for the magic of the Hellenic myths, and a Bestiary describing the monsters and animal foes faced by Greek heroes.


128 pages. Stock #6075, ISBN 1-55634-096-6. $24.95.

Shipped April 19, 2004

GURPS Low-Tech (Reprint)

From the dawn of civilization to the Middle Ages . . . or in any fantasy game . . . GURPS Low-Tech is a universal resource for any campaign set before the age of gunpowder and the printing press. It's 128 pages of detailed research and game ideas:

  • Weapons: Cleave an enemy's skull with a stone axe, stab him with a bronze sword, or impale him on your obsidian-tipped spear.
  • Armor: Whether it's the crudest leather or the finest iron chain, any armor is better than none. Plus new rules for piecemeal armor!
  • Vehicles: Steer a dogsled across the Arctic, sail a trireme across the Mediterranean, or ride your chariot over the battlefields of Asia.
  • Equipment: Yokes and plows, adzes and hammers, sundials and locks; everything it takes to build a town or a nation.
  • Plus shelter, science, and civilizations . . . from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages.

Whether you're playing cavemen fighting to stay alive, armored knights jousting for honor, or time travelers searching for the truth about history, GURPS Low-Tech brings the past to life!

128 pages. Stock #6526, ISBN 1-55634-343-4. $24.95.
Buy Now!

Shipped April 19, 2004

GURPS Traveller: Star Mercs (Reprint)

Prepare for War . . .

. . . with Star Mercs. Everything you need for a star-spanning, military-oriented campaign in the Traveller universe is here!

  • Experience combat (and a soldier's life) in the 57th century.
  • Learn how to recruit, organize, and equip a mercenary unit.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Imperial rules of war.
  • Get the edge with discourses on strategy and tactics.
  • Arm your troops from a comprehensive list of weapons and other tools of the soldier's trade.

Star Mercs also includes deck plans for the 800-ton Broadsword-class mercenary cruiser, templates for military and mercenary soldier characters, sample missions, and a variety of units and NPC personalities your mercenary group might encounter, including the famed and feared Imperial Marines. Face front, soldier!

This is the Big One!

128 pages. Stock #6604, ISBN 1-55634-364-7. $24.95.

Shipped April 19, 2004

GURPS Traveller: Far Trader (Reprint)

"Regina Departure, this is S.S. Freeman, passing the 100D limit, jumping outsystem to Jenghe at this time, no estimated time of return."

"Freeman, I show you departing Regina System at 16:05-115-1120. Jump approved; squawk 0000. Come back and see us sometime."

"Regina Departure, this is S.S. Freeman, squawking all zeroes; will do, thanks and out."

The Universe Is Your Market

There's a fortune to be made among the stars - for the intrepid merchant with business savvy, a suspicious mind, and more than a little luck.

Be prepared to meet some of the worst characters in the universe - just pray they're not your business partners! And remember, "cutthroat competition" isn't just a colorful catch phrase . . .

The "independent trader" campaign is one of the most popular among Traveller players. Far Trader is the complete support volume for a mercantile campaign. You can:

  • Develop sector-wide trade routes, following the tides of commerce on an interplanetary scale.
  • Start your own character-run business, raise capital, and finance your money-making ventures.
  • Make contacts, find niche markets, and exploit opportunities the big corporations miss.
  • Learn what it takes to run a successful commercial starship.
  • Expand your campaign with 15 new character templates.
  • Run entire mercantile campaigns, including Free Traders, smugglers, and pirates.

So stock your starship, grab your gun, and take to the stars . . . fortunes don't come easy!

144 pages. Stock #6606, ISBN 1-55634-373-6. $26.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped April 19, 2004

Illuminati Money

More Megabucks

Illuminati involves a lot of money moving around, and it's easy for those little counters to get lost, or for players to run out in the middle of a particularly large game. These are six more whole sheets of money for Deluxe Illuminati, Crime Lords, or any other game requiring lots of money tokens.

Six Sheets. Stock #1378, $4.99.

Shipped April 19, 2004

Gaming Goddess Shirt

Make Your Saving Roll

We're girls, we're gamers, and we're proud of it. Display that pride, and a little attitude, to the world with the Gaming Goddess Crop Top, featuring original art by Phil Foglio.

One T-Shirt. Stock #W23-1002, $18.00.

M A Y   2 0 0 4 

Shipped May 14, 2004

Chez Goth

Angst. Nookie. Roommates. Just another Friday night at Chez Goth.

This stand-alone game puts a new spin on the award-winning (and all too realistic) Chez Geek. You're still living with a bunch of roommates . . . but now you're a Goth!

Work at your dreary job. Spend your hard-earned money and precious time to accumulate Slack points . . . or collect Gloom when life turns against you. As it will! You can earn Slack for buying Clothes, Shinies, and Booze . . . or you can just Cough, Complain, or even Faint Dramatically, especially if you have an audience. And if you get very lucky, there might be some Graveyard Nookie in your future.

Yes, you can combine these cards with Chez Geek and have a house full of Goths AND slackers. Fortunately, it's just a game . . . isn't it?

112 cards in a tuck box. Stock #1354, ISBN 1-55634-728-6. $16.95.

Cardboard Heroes Castles: The Keep

Put a castle in your backpack!

Cardboard Heroes Castles are great-looking 3-D structures that fold up for play, and fold down again for travel and storage! They're heavy cardstock, but they're die-cut and pre-scored to make them easy to build, and they're designed to fold and unfold without damage.

This set can be used by itself to create either a castle with enclosed courtyard or a massive towered keep. Or use it as an expansion to the Walls and Towers set. The more sets you add, the bigger your castle gets . . .

Cardboard Heroes Castles are full-color (of course), gorgeous, and totally portable. When the game's over, just fold 'em up and go!


16 die-cut cardboard pages plus instructions. Stock #2151, ISBN 1-55634-698-0. $24.95.

Star Munchkin RPG

The Star Munchkin Roleplaying Game takes the Munchkin experience to a final frontier a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away where no one can hear you scream. But everyone will hear you laugh.

Now you can play your favorite races and classes from the <> card game, including Mutants, Cyborgs, and Cat People . . . taking on Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the fiendish Brain In a Jar with the latest in exotic and rules-abusive SF weapons, like the Vibrosword, Nova Grenade, and the ultra-powerful Laser-Maser-Bobaser-Bananafanafofaser. The Star Munchkin RPG will also include the new goodies from Star Munchkin 2 -- The Clown Wars.

The Star Munchkin RPG is a little different in format from the original Munchkin RPG books. Rather than breaking the information into the now-traditional three volumes, Star Munchkin will be a single, 96-page hardback book. Star Munchkin will be produced under the Open Game License published by Wizards of the Coast.

Munchkin out . . . in SPACE!

96 pages. Stock #3404, ISBN 1-55634-670-0. $19.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped May 14, 2004

Knightmare Chess (Reprint)

Chess will never be the same! Knightmare Chess is chess played with cards - and what cards! Each card breaks the rules in a wild and unpredictable way, giving the game more twists and turns than a roller coaster. A translation of the popular French game Tempete sur l'Echequier by Pierre Clequin and Bruno Faidutti, Knightmare Chess has 80 big, beautiful cards - each with an individual color painting by Brazilian artist Rogerio Vilela.

Some Knightmare Chess cards affect a single move, while some change the entire game! Each card is assigned a point value, so you can build custom decks based on an agreed point total, or handicap the match so the better player has fewer powerful cards. The possibilities are endless - and so is the fun!


80 oversized (4-1/2" x 2-1/2") cards and a rulesheet in a 8" x 4-7/8" x 1/2" box. Stock #1321, ISBN 1-55634-332-9. $16.95.

J U N E   2 0 0 4 

Shipped June 18, 2004

GURPS Dragons

Dragons! The most fabulous of all fabulous beasts. Throughout history, around the world, tales of fire-breathing monsters have stirred awe and terror. Now . . . play a dragon. Take to the air with prodigious wingbeats, soaring effortlessly for hundreds of miles. Terrify your foes with fire, claws, and teeth. Gather your hoard. Study ancient lore and magic . . . and take human form to walk in the world of men!

GURPS Dragons includes:

  • Origins of the dragon, through myth and legend and even true history.
  • How do dragons fly?
  • How to hunt dragons . . . and survive.
  • Creating dragon characters in GURPS.
  • Dragon-specific combat maneuvers.
  • Templates for Firedrakes, Naga, Chinese Dragons, Sea Serpents, and others.
  • Ideas for dragon-centric campaigns, including two campaign backgrounds!
  • A special Appendix converts the game material to the new GURPS Fourth Edition rules, making it even more useful!

160 pages. Full-color. Stock #6540, ISBN 1-55634-599-2. $29.95.

I S S A R I E S 

Shipped June 18, 2004

Gathering Thunder: Sartar Rising Volume 3

The Lunar Empire has been defeated at the Battle of Iceland. Orlanth is free, and across Dragon Pass and the world the winds have been released. This is the time to strike, the time for heroes to raise the rest of the land against the Empire, begin quests that will take years to bear fruit, and finally to aid Kallyr as she returns a lost planet to the sky and upsets the plans of the Empire.

Gathering Thunder is the third book of the Sartar Rising campaign. It continues the epic struggle of the Heortlings against the Lunar Empire, building on the events and information provided in Barbarian Adventures and Orlanth is Dead!, the first two books of the series. This 80-page book includes six scenarios set in Dragon Pass, each a testing ground for heroes as they rise to become leaders in the rebellion:

  • The New Breathers, by Martin Hawley
  • Sheep, Clouds, Thunder, by Jeff Kyer
  • The Other Side of the Dragon, by David Dunham
  • Orane's Spindle by Ian Cooper
  • Final Days at Skullpoint, by Ron Edwards
  • Ship of the Sky, a heroquest by Greg Stafford

80 pages. Stock #ISS1403, ISBN 1-929052-17-0. $19.95.

J U L Y   2 0 0 4 

Shipped July 21, 2004

Munchkin Blender

Stir Things Up!

It's the ultimate party kit for Munchkin fans! Munchkin players really like to combine their sets . . . Munchkin, <>, <>, all in one game. That gets really weird . . . but it can also slow the game down.

There are a lot of ways we COULD have addressed this problem. But this is Munchkin, so the solution we chose was to create a lot of really overpowered new cards. Why be a Super-Munchkin when you can be an Ultra-Munchkin? If a Half-Breed isn't enough, you can be a 1/3-Breed. And if a single Cheat card doesn't do it for you, you can Cheat With Both Hands!

There are also a lot more monster enhancers . . . and ITEM enhancers, too. There are several new low-level monsters to help you get those easy kills. Unless somebody takes that Sock Puppet and turns it into the Ultra-Rare Extremely Sneaky Sock Puppet With Extra Cheese . . .

This set also includes the complete, updated Epic rules, covering all races and classes released in every Munchkin game so far.

Munchkin till you drop! Munchkin Blender -- just add players!

This is a supplement, not a stand-alone game. It is meant to be combined with at least one Munchkin game, and preferably two or more, with or without other supplements.

112 cards and rules in shrinkwrapped folder. Stock #1424, ISBN 1-55634-731-6. $16.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped July 21, 2004

Principia Discordia (Reprint)

This book is the bible of Discordianism . . . the worship of Eris, the goddess of Chaos. This great "cult classic" first appeared in 1965. This new edition adds 20 pages of new material, as revealed by Eris to her faithful worshipers when they probably should have been mowing the lawn or something.

WARNING: This book contains subversive truths, absurd lies, guerrilla philosophy, and several very naughty words. Open mind before reading!

Q: Is Eris true?
A. Everything is true.
Q. Even false things?
A. Even false things are true.
Q. How can that be?
A. I don't know, man. I didn't do it!

Digest-sized softcover 116-page book. Stock #3002, ISBN 1-55634-320-5. $11.95.

A U G U S T   2 0 0 4 

Shipped August 20, 2004

GURPS Traveller: Nobles

Lords of the Stars

From the Imperial family to the lowest knight; from the fantastically wealthy duchess on her private estate world to the impoverished baronet who barely has a Free Trader's bunk to call his own; from the archduke who governs hundreds of worlds to the knight with no formal duties - in Traveller, the aristocracy plays a major role in society, in government, and in the military.

Would you like to serve one of the Imperium's nobles . . . or be one? GURPS Traveller: Nobles details the lifestyle, fortunes, duties, and responsibilities of the nobility in the Third Imperium, the Vilani ruling class at the height of the Ziru Sirka, and the Darrian and Zhodani systems.

Nobles contains:

  • A close-up look at the most powerful people in the GURPS Traveller universe, with complete GURPS stats for 13 major characters - including Emperor Strephon and Empress Iolanthe - and capsule biographies of many others.
  • Deck plans for the Wanderer-class yacht, the Midas-class courier, and the Condor-class racing yacht - all new starships. Plus floor plans of mansions and private getaways.
  • Details on life in the Imperial Palace . . . wealth, power, danger, and intrigue. If your Traveller campaign aims for real power, here's where it will climax.

144 pages. Stock #6624, ISBN 1-55634-432-5. $26.95.

GURPS Basic Set: Characters

With GURPS, you can be anyone you want -- an elf hero fighting for the forces of good, a shadowy femme fatale on a deep-cover mission, a futuristic swashbuckler carving up foes with a force sword in his hand and a beautiful woman by his side . . . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades. The new Fourth Edition makes it even better!

GURPS Basic Set: Characters combines information from the Third Edition GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Compendium I, plus hundreds of new and updated rules! This 336-page, full-color hardcover contains everything you need to create and play a GURPS Fourth Edition character.

336 pages. Hardback. Stock #01-0001, ISBN 1-55634-729-4. $39.95.

GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns

With GURPS, you can be anyone you want -- an elf hero fighting for the forces of good, a shadowy femme fatale on a deep-cover mission, a futuristic swashbuckler carving up foes with a force sword in his hand and a beautiful woman by his side . . . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades. The new Fourth Edition makes it even better!

GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns combines information from the Third Edition GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Compendium II -- plus our new core setting, with infinite possibilities for timeline-hopping adventure! (You don't have to play in the core setting -- there isn't some game-altering metaplot -- but it's there if you want it.) This 240-page, full-color hardcover contains everything a GM needs to create and run a GURPS Fourth Edition campaign.

240 pages. Hardback. Stock #01-0002, ISBN 1-55634-730-8. $34.95.


GURPS Lite is a 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS rules. It covers the essentials of character creation, combat, success rolls, adventuring, and game mastering for GURPS Fourth Edition.

The purpose of GURPS Lite is to help GMs bring new players into the game, without frightening them with the full GURPS Basic Set and a stack of worldbooks! With GURPS Lite, you can show your players just how simple GURPS really is.

We'll have printed copies of GURPS Lite available at your local game store and in Warehouse 23 -- and it's included in the GURPS GM's Screen -- or you can download a FREE electronic version from e23.

You can download GURPS Lite for the Third Edition here.


32 pages. Stock #01-0004, $FREE.

S E P T E M B E R   2 0 0 4 

Shipped September 17, 2004

Cardboard Heroes Modern Characters

Enough full-color miniatures for every modern game you'll ever play! Over 400 human figures, plus hundreds of weapons, accessories, corpses, and other lie-flat counters. Soldiers and cops, Nazis and gangsters, cowboys and Indians, and lots and lots of modern-day civilians for all your games.

16 sheets; over 400 characters. Stock #2120, ISBN 1-55634-437-6. $24.95.

GURPS GM's Screen

Put the amazing flexibility and power of GURPS at your fingertips with this data-packed GM's Screen. This screen features a gorgeous John Zeleznik painting with all of the Fourth Edition iconic characters, plus six panels full of all the crucial charts, tables, and other essentials from GURPS Fourth Edition. . . . complete combat tables, reaction charts, and other references to make the GM's job faster and easier.

Also included is a copy of the new Fourth Edition version of GURPS Lite, the 32-page core of the GURPS rules. GURPS Lite is a valuable rules summary, but it's also designed, in particular, as a teaching tool . . . it makes it easy for an experienced player or GM to introduce others to the system. A second 48-page book includes character sheets, forms, a master list of character creation features, and GURPS Update, a complete guide to converting your PC to Fourth Edition.

This screen is beautiful, useful . . . and yes, you can use it to hide your die rolls, too.

Four-panel screen. Includes GURPS Lite and a 48-page book of conversion notes and game aids. Stock #01-0005, ISBN 1-55634-732-4. $19.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped September 17, 2004

Frag (Reprint)

Game starts. Enemy in sight . . . Frag him! Grab his stuff! Run! Get a bigger gun! Grab some armor! There he is again! Frag him! Whoa, there's another one. Run . . . you're hit! You're down. Respawn! Grab a weapon! Start again!

Frag Gold Edition is a computer game without a computer. It's a "first-person shooter" on a tabletop. Move your fighter and frag your foes; draw cards for weapons, armor, and gadgets; move through the blood spatters to restore your own health! If you die, you respawn and come back shooting!

Easy to learn, fast-moving, fun . . . two supplements are already out, and more are coming!

Boxed game with cards and color game map. Stock #1339, ISBN 1-55634-651-4. $29.95.

O C T O B E R   2 0 0 4 

Shipped October 15, 2004

Munchkin Bites!

It's the World of Dorkness!

The Munchkins are now vampires . . . and werewolves . . . and changelings. Bash through the haunted house and slay the monsters. The OTHER monsters. You can't slay your fellow munchkins, but you can curse them, send foes at them, and take their stuff. Of course . . .

This is a stand-alone game, which (of course) can be combined with other Munchkin games. And it's illustrated by John Kovalic. OF COURSE. See Igor, Gilly, and all the other <> characters in their munchkin-vampire finery . . .

So bring along your Coffin (+3!) and wield The Sword Of Beheading People Just Like In That Movie. Face foes like the Banshee, the Heck Hounds, and the dreaded Were-Muskrat. Smite them all, and be the first to Level 10 . . .

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1419, ISBN 1-55634-735-9. $24.95.

N O V E M B E R   2 0 0 4 

Shipped November 19, 2004

GURPS Fantasy

Create a world that could never be! GURPS Fantasy is the complete toolkit to let you build a campaign of heroic deeds and wondrous magic. It discusses the genre in depth -- with all its subgenres and inspirations (myth, novels, movies, etc.) -- allowing you to handle any kind of fantasy.

GURPS Fantasy gives detailed, concrete advice for assembling fantasy settings -- from the basics of the landscape itself, through its inhabitants and cultures, to the details of believable histories and politics. It also examines the nature of supernatural forces, and discusses the impact of wizards, monsters, and gods. And, of course, it looks at the many different ways that magic and users of magic can work in a fantasy world.

And, perhaps most importantly, it advises GMs and players alike on the kinds of characters appropriate to fantasy -- including ordinary folks, people with fantastic powers, and nonhumans.

Whether your model is Tolkien, Jordan, or Leiber, this book will let create a town, a country, or an entire world. Like all Fourth Edition books, it's a full-color hardcover.

(This is not an update of the Yrth setting presented in the old GURPS Fantasy. We're going to give that world its own book, GURPS Banestorm, sometime next year.)

240 pages. Hardback. Stock #01-1001, ISBN 1-55634-519-4. $34.95.

Shipped November 10, 2004

Burn in Hell

Cleopatra. Blackbeard. Attila the Hun. Richard Nixon. John Wilkes Booth.

Collect the souls of the damned! In Burn in Hell, you try to assemble the tastiest "Circles" of history's sinners. Trade souls with your rivals . . . or just steal the ones you need. Collect groups of Mass Murderers, Cannibals, or even Clerics . . . or build sets of the Seven Deadly Sins. Burn in Hell will keep you on your toes – can you see the sets that fit together for the most points? Can you steal a rival's key card before he can make a Circle?

Each card includes a great Greg Hyland caricature and a biography of the soul. You'll have a lot of fun reading (and arguing) about why each of these people was invited to the Permanent Pitchfork Party. And to rule in Hell, you must use strategy and cunning, because this game's not over until the last soul is snatched . . .


168 full-color cards plus rulesheet. Stock #1420, ISBN 1-55634-666-2. $24.95.

D E C E M B E R   2 0 0 4 

Shipped December 10, 2004


Completely revised and updated for GURPS Fourth Edition, this full-color hardcover combines the spells from the Third Edition GURPS Magic and GURPS Grimoire, plus dozens of all-new spells, for the ultimate tome of magic!

Within these pages, crackling with mystic energies, you'll find:

  • The core magic system for GURPS, expanding on the material presented in the <> . . . rules for learning magic, casting spells, enchanting magic items, and more!
  • Complete alchemy rules . . . creating magical elixirs, using them, and even researching new ones . . . with an extensive list of known elixirs and their powers.
  • Alternatives to the core magic system, including complete, updated rules for improvised magic and rune magic. There are also guidelines for the GM who wants to change how magic works in particular worlds in a multi-world campaign.
  • Plus special material from the GURPS Magic Items series and <>.
This is a powerful book, indeed. Use it wisely.

240 pages. Hardback. Stock #01-0101, ISBN 1-55634-733-2. $34.95.

I S S A R I E S 

Shipped December 10, 2004

Men of the Sea

The oceans of Glorantha are terrifying but beautiful; awe-inspiring yet full of terrible dangers. Their mysterious depths pull at the inner being of humankind, yearning for them to return to the source of all life. Their waves and currents offer heroes adventure, glory, and plunder; an exciting life for some, a quick death for others.

Men of the Sea explores the oceans and islands of Glorantha through the eyes of sailor heroes. It introduces seven new homelands for heroes, explores life as a sailor, and teaches players how to navigate their hero across the wonderful, dangerous waters of Glorantha. Brave, or foolhardy, these sailors ply the seas in search of fame, fortune, and knowledge. Men of the Sea also includes introductory episodes for beginning heroes, leading them from fresh-faced fisherman to wide-eyed sailors ready to face the coming Hero Wars.

80 pages. Stock #ISS1305, ISBN 1-929052-23-5. $19.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS Character Builder (Third Edition)

GURPS Character Builder is the official character-creation program for GURPS Third Edition. The Character Builder lets you design, optimize, store, modify, and print out characters in all the most popular genres. All the system's standard advantages, disadvantages, and skills are supported. Lots of extras, including a die roller, round out this package.

GURPS Character Assistant is the official character generation program for GURPS Fourth Edition.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
  • Memory: 32MB RAM.
  • Disk space: approximately 50MB free (depending on the configuration of the user's hard disk).
  • Processor: 100MHz or faster Pentium or equivalent
  • Screen resolution: Minimum: 640x480. Recommended: 800x600 or greater with 64K colors or more.


Computer program file to download. Stock #30-5401, $21.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS Update

We know many Third Edition GURPS players will want to start playing Fourth Edition games right away! With this conversion guide, you'll be able to! GURPS Update has all the information you need to bring nearly all of your PCs into the Fourth Edition. Painstakingly compiled by David Morgan-Mar, Update has side-to-side charts with every single advantage, disadvantage, and skill in Third Edition, with its Fourth Edition counterpart listed alongside. Where there's not a good fit, a detailed note explains your other options for modeling the ability in the new rules. There are also conversion rules for magic, psionics, templates, attributes, secondary characteristics, and more.

Please note: This booklet was originally part of the GURPS GM's Screen, and it contained some forms and tables that are not included in this file. To get these game aids, please see the GURPS GM's Screen.

26-page PDF. Stock #30-6024, $FREE.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS Lite (Third Edition)

GURPS Lite Third Edition is a 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS Third Edition rules. It covers the essentials of character creation, combat, success rolls, magic, adventuring, and game mastering.

The purpose of GURPS Lite is to help GMs bring new players into the game, without frightening them with the Basic Set, Compendiums, and a stack of worldbooks! With GURPS Lite, you can show your players just how simple the GURPS system really is.

It can also be used as a neophyte's stand-alone introduction to roleplaying . . . but it is really designed as a tool to let the experienced player bring his friends into the game.

32-page PDF. Stock #30-6094, $FREE.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #1

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as a free supplement for Man to Man and as promotion for the soon-to-be-released Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. This very first issue has frequently asked questions about Man to Man, a new nonhuman race for MtM -- the minotaur, a sneak peak at some GURPS disadvantages, and more!

5-page PDF. Stock #30-8301, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #2

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as a free supplement for Man to Man and as promotion for the soon-to-be-released Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #2 featured a complete index for Man To Man, as well as a discussion on the merits of including combat rules in GURPS (don't laugh! -- some people thought that since they were already in Man to Man, it would be redundant). There were also special rules for using a pick in combat, and a sneak peek at early GURPS releases. See the chaos from the very beginning!

7-page PDF. Stock #30-8302, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #3

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as a free supplement for Man to Man and as promotion for the soon-to-be-released Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. By issue #3, Man to Man coverage had almost completely disappeared, in favor of promotion for the new hit RPG, GURPS. This issue had some new magic spells, plus rules Q&A, errata, and progress reports on upcoming GURPS releases.

6-page PDF. Stock #30-8303, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #4

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #4 expanded to eight pages and featured a page of new disadvantages and a new necromantic spell, plus the usual rules Q&A and errata, plus a customer survey and guidelines for writing for GURPS.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8304, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #5

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #5 features Jennifer Blake, Car Warrior -- a complete character for GURPS Autoduel, along with all the combat charts and tables from GURPS Autoduel you need to play if all you had was the Basic Set. The issue also has the usual errata and Q&A, peek at future releases, plus some new Air College spells, and the 1986 Origins Awards nominations ballot!

8-page PDF. Stock #30-8305, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #6

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #6 led off with "Cops in GURPS," and included articles on heraldry in autoduel America, and new rules on wealth and jobs. All that, plus the usual look at the upcoming schedule, errata, and rules Q&A.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8306, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #7

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #7 marked a new stage in the newsletter's evolution, as Steve Jackson Games began charging one dollar for it. But they also increased the quality of its contents, leading off the newsletter with four great articles, full-page teasers keyed to upcoming releases: GURPS Horseclans, GURPS Bestiary, GURPS Humanx, and GURPS Horror. There was also a page of Ice College spells, plus the usual look at the upcoming schedule, errata, and rules Q&A.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8307, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #8

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #8 features new disadvantages for GURPS and an article on the Knights Hospitallers in the fantasy setting of Yrth, plus Aaron Allston's recommendations on real-life reference materials for making a GM's job easier, and more! Plus the usual advance look at new releases, errata, and rules Q&A, of course.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8308, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #9

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #9 features the first set of cyberpunk rules for GURPS, plus split health rules, new GURPS Autoduel gadgets, and three new damage types!

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8309, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #10

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #10 has a complete GURPS Horror adventure, "Isle of Night," plus an articles on optimizing character building, a new alien race from GURPS Space, and the usual peek at the new releases, errata, and rules Q&A.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8310, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #11

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #11 has articles on using -- and abusing -- the new Eidetic Memory advantage (ah, the good old days . . .), a short preview of the new Third Edition, a new disadvantage: Secret, an open call for reader contributions for gadget ideas for the upcoming GURPS Ultra-Tech, and John M. Ford's essay on science-fiction roleplaying when the universe is restricted to a single solar system. All that, plus the usual peek at the new releases, errata, and rules Q&A.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8311, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #12

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #12 heralded the debut of the Third Edition of GURPS with an article by designer Steve Jackson. One of the biggest changes in the rules, the firearm rules and statistics, were explained, and the firearm charts from GURPS Horror were corrected and reprinted in this issue. There was also an article on using disadvantages in character creation and a designer's article for the upcoming GURPS Swashbucklers. All that, plus the usual peek at the new releases, errata, and rules Q&A.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8312, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #13

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #13 has a preview article for GURPS Ice Age, plus articles on women swashbucklers, modified weapons tables for GURPS Space and Humanx, more on character creation, alchemy, and the usual peek at the new releases, errata, and rules Q&A.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8313, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #14

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #14 was devoted to one large article on ultra-tech weapons and armor in GURPS Space, with only a little bit of space set aside for Q&A and coming attractions. On the other hand, it is the first Roleplayer to feature a cool two-color cover, and marks another step in the evolution from newsletter to magazine.

9-page PDF. Stock #30-8314, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #15

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #15 saw another leap forward for the once-four-page newsletter, as it grew to 16 pages with a $2 cover price! Articles included the conclusion of the discourse on weapons and armor in GURPS Space, previews of GURPS Wild Cards and GURPS Supers, and many more articles, along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

17-page PDF. Stock #30-8315, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #16

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #16 had designer's notes and previews for GURPS Wild Cards, Riverworld, and Cliffhangers, plus an alternate system for taking damage in GURPS by John M. Ford, spell prerequisite charts, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

17-page PDF. Stock #30-8316, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #17

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #17 had designer's notes and previews for GURPS Ultra-Tech, Prisoner, and Cyberpunk, plus a new race for GURPS Ice Age and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

17-page PDF. Stock #30-8317, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #18

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #18 had articles on powerstones, new methods for learning skills, inherent magic, specters, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

17-page PDF. Stock #30-8318, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #19

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #19 had preview articles on GURPS Cyberpunk (despite the infamous raid by the U.S. Secret Service, just weeks before this issue was published, which was also detailed in the pages of this issue), articles on improvisational magic and the Michaelites, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

19-page PDF. Stock #30-8319, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #20

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #20 had preview articles on GURPS Fantasy Bestiary, a crossover article linking GURPS Prisoner and GURPS Riverworld, new rules for extra and enhanced limbs, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, an extra-long errata section, and rules Q&A.

19-page PDF. Stock #30-8320, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #21

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #21 marked another big step for Roleplayer, as it moved from a newsletter to a magazine -- 32 pages' worth! Leading off the new improved Roleplayer was a complete character creation system for horses, making the knight's and the cowboy's best friend as individual and heroic as any other member of the party. There were also articles on vampires in a GURPS Cyberpunk campaign, advanced rules for fatigue and sleep, GURPS Fantasy designer's notes, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, an extra-long errata section, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8321, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #22

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #22 had articles on Lovecraftian horror in GURPS, outtakes from GURPS Magic Items, a complete adventure for GURPS Cliffhangers, and much, much more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, an extra-long errata section, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8322, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #23

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #23 had "Orctown," a complete setting for GURPS Fantasy, articles on Ultra-Tech slugthrowers and new skills, designer's articles for GURPS Supers and GURPS IST, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, an extra-long errata section, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8323, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #24

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #24 had articles on modifying the power of magic in your campaign, monsters from medieval legend, self-imposed mental disadvantages, new super-science gadgets, a sneak peek at GURPS Camelot, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

34-page PDF. Stock #30-8324, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #25

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #25 had a complete new super-science race, new advantages and disadvantages, designer's notes for GURPS Uplift, articles on ley lines, legends of the Old West, high-powered campaigns, and more – along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8325, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #26

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #26 had a horror adventure for GURPS Ice Age, rules for adapting GURPS to the Harn game world, articles on Okinawan martial arts, advanced bionics, immortal characters, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8326, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #27

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #27 had a series of alternate characters for Robin Hood throughout time, outtake items from GURPS Magic Items 2, optional rules for melee defense, variant human races, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8327, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #28

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #28 had a full Old West campaign setting based on Kansas during the Civil War, more outtake items from GURPS Magic Items 2, rules for robots in GURPS Supers and secret knowledge in GURPS Illuminati, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8328, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #29

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #29 had an Old West scenario centered around that western staple, the barroom brawl, rules for androids in GURPS Cyberpunk, a detailed look at the magnetic sail space drive, an in-depth examination of the Area Knowledge skill, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8329, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Roleplayer #30

Before there was a Pyramid, even before there was a GURPS, there was a Roleplayer. It was originally produced as promotion for the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, GURPS. Issue #30 was the final issue of Roleplayer, another step in the evolution of Steve Jackson Games. Next would be Pyramid, a larger, glossier magazine that covered the game industry has a whole, not just a GURPS house organ. But Roleplayer went out with a bang in its final issue, with the first-ever mass combat rules for GURPS, a long-awaited addition to the rules. The issue also had a tale from GURPS Fantasy II, designer's notes from GURPS Arabian Nights, and more -- along with the usual look at coming attractions, errata, and rules Q&A.

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8330, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #1/1

This is the very first Autoduel Quarterly, the Car Wars magazine, published in March, 1983. It features "Convoy," a scenario by Steve Jackson and David Ladyman, plus Aaron Allston's look at Midville, OH, the home of the Sunday Drivers supplement. All that plus vehicle designs, new equipment courtesy of Uncle Albert, letters, columns, and rules answers in ADQ&A. Drive Offensively!

20-page PDF. Stock #30-8701, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #1/2

Autoduel Quarterly is the official Car Wars magazine; Issue 1/2 was published in July, 1983. It features "Nightstrike," a complete scenario, plus Aaron Allston's look at Austin, TX, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that plus vehicle designs, new equipment courtesy of Uncle Albert, letters, columns, and rules answers in\ ADQ&A. Drive Offensively!

24-page PDF. Stock #30-8702, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #1/3

Autoduel Quarterly is the official Car Wars magazine; Issue 1/3 was published in September, 1983. It features "Chassis & Crossbow," a look at the early days of autoduelling with a complete scenario, Autoduel Champions designer's notes from Aaron Allston, plus John M. Ford's look at Floral Gulch, IN, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and vehicle designs, new equipment courtesy of Uncle Albert, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more! Drive Offensively!

24-page PDF. Stock #30-8703, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #1/4

Autoduel Quarterly is the official Car Wars magazine; Issue 1/4 was published in November, 1983. It features "Maniac," a complete solo adventure, Aaron Allston's advice on anti-cycle gang tactics, plus a look at New Tulsa, OK, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and vehicle designs, new equipment courtesy of Uncle Albert, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more! Drive Offensively!

24-page PDF. Stock #30-8704, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #2/1

Autoduel Quarterly kicked off its second year with Issue 2/1 in early 1984. The issue featured the first details on the official American Autoduel Association, the club for Car Wars fans, plus a complete solo adventure, Car Wars fiction from Jim Lowerre, new vehicle designs, weapons, and gadgets, and a look at Twin Cities, MN, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more! Drive Offensively!

24-page PDF. Stock #30-8705, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #2/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 2/2 was published in July, 1984. The issue featured Car Wars referee hints from Steve Jackson; "Badlands Run," a complete multi-encounter scenario by Scott Haring and Jim Gould; an article on Amateur Night tactics; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and a look at Arlington, TX, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8706, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #2/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 2/3 was published in the fall of 1984. The issue featured three Car Wars mini-scenarios; advanced optional rules for fire; "Serendipity," a Car Wars short story; the debut of ten-wheeled trucks; advice on triple-scaling your game components for more visually exciting game; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and a look at Boston, MA, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8707, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #2/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 2/4 was published in the winter of 1984. The issue featured "Telethon," a complete scenario by Scott Haring; Car Wars fiction from John Nowak; articles on trailers in Car Wars, critical hits, and tournament duelling strategy; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and a look at Canada for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide (with bonus rules for duelling on snow and ice). All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8708, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #3/1

Autoduel Quarterly is the official Car Wars magazine; Issue 3/1 was published in the spring of 1985. It features "Grand Theft Autoduel," a complete scenario, plus articles on grenades and driving off semi assault ramps, and a look at Boulder, CO, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that plus vehicle designs, new equipment courtesy of Uncle Albert, letters, columns, and rules answers in ADQ&A. Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8709, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #3/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 3/2 was published in the summer of 1985. The issue featured "Doppelganger," Car Wars fiction from John Nowak; a sneak peak at the upcoming Deluxe Car Wars; an article on biker tactics; an interview with Uncle Albert about his new catalog; four mini-scenarios; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and a look at Western Kentucky for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8710, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #3/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 3/3 was published in the fall of 1985. The issue featured "Alkahest," one of the best pieces of Car Wars fiction ever, from John M. Ford, complete with gaming notes; articles on kamicars and tow trucks; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and two chapters from the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide -- Central Palm Beach, FL, and the Deseret Autonomous Region. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8711, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #3/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 3/4 was published in the winter of 1985. The issue featured "First BLUD," a Car Wars scenario from Scott Haring that introduced Blg League Unlimited Duelling, a splinter group out to wipe out the AADA; "Checker's Pizza, Car Wars fiction from Brian Upton; articles on ramps and racetrack arenas; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and a look at Cumberland, MD, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8712, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #4/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 4/1 was published in the spring of 1986. The issue featured "Midwest Passage," a Car Wars scenario by Scott Haring; a second scenario left out of Car Wars Expansion Set 8: Chopper Challenge, "Search and Destroy"; an article on bandit tactics and an interview with Origin Systems' Lord British and Chuckles about the new Autoduel computer game; plus the usual new vehicle designs, AADA news, new weapons and gadgets, and a look at Fresno, CA, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8713, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #4/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 4/2 was published in the summer of 1986. The issue featured Designer's Notes for the new Dueltrack supplement for Car Wars by Scott Haring, along with two mini-scenarios; Car Wars fiction from Andrew Egan; an article on the Death Scouts; and a look at the District of Columbia for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more! Drive Offensively!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8714, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #4/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 4/3 was published in the fall of 1986. This was the special Texas Bicentennial issue, and it featured a whole set of Texas-themed autoduelling scenarios by Allen Varney, plus Car Wars fiction from John Nowak, and Scott Haring's look at Houston, TX for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8715, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #4/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 4/4 was published in the winter of 1986. It featured Designer's Notes for GURPS Autoduel by co-author (and ADQ editor) Scott Haring) five mini-scenarios for Car Wars, rules for hospitalization and recovery from injury and playing an entire corporate team instead of a single duellist, plus a look at the Greater Lafayette, In, area for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8716, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #5/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 5/1 was published in the spring of 1987. It's a special variant issue as editor Scott Haring turned loose all those crazy articles for very ununofficial ideas that have been begging to be published! Snowmobiles! Airships! Mortars! Weapon durability and maintenance rules! Advanced maneuvering system! Stretch limos! And some ideas that are just plain crazy . . . plus a look at Peoria IL, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8717, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #5/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 5/2 was published in the summer of 1987. It featured complete rules for boats in the Car Wars system, and "Daddy's Girl," Car Wars fiction from Ramona Richards. Steve Jackson also contributed an article on how to design solo adventures for Car Wars that could also be used for other games. All that, plus a look at southeast Louisiana for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8718, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #5/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 5/3 was published in the fall of 1987. The cover story was a new set of rules for autoduelling on ice and snow, complete with new equipment and four complete mini-scenarios using the new rules. The issue also has Car Wars fiction from Douglas Carey, rules for overloaded vehicles, and complete results from the 1987 Car Wars World Championships. All that, plus a look at Los Angeles, CA for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

30-page PDF. Stock #30-8719, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #5/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 5/4 marks the beginning of the Stephen Beeman era as editor of ADQ, and was published in the winter of 1987. A special section on highway duelling had articles on long-distance racing, variant power consumption rules, highway survival, and highway encounters. There were also two pieces of Car Wars fiction, plus a look at the Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY, area for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide. All that and letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

30-page PDF. Stock #30-8720, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #6/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 6/1 was published in the spring of 1988. The "Special Arena Duelling Issue" had articles on parimutuel wagering on arena combats, two articles on arena vehicle design, extremely unofficial rules on dragons in Car Wars, Designer's Notes for Vehicle Guide 2, an interview with the man behind Gold Cross, and a recap of the game's fire rules. All that, plus letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8721, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #6/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 6/2 was published in the summer of 1988. It featured "When Duty Calls," Car Wars fiction with gaming stats, plus a complete alternate maneuvering system, and "Magic in Car Wars, a much-requested compilation of goofy ideas from old issues of the much-beloved Space Gamer magazine. All that, plus a look at Coronado, CA, for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8722, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #6/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 6/3 was published in the fall of 1988. It featured "Brothers in Arms," a huge solo adventure that takes up nearly half the issue, along with some new arenas, a detailed report of the 1998 AADA World Championships complete with photos of the action, and articles on the tactics of deception and what your opponent can tell about your vehicle from a visual inspection. All that, plus letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

28-page PDF. Stock #30-8723, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #6/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 6/4 was published in the winter of 1988. It featured three mini-scenarios ready to play and two new arenas ready for duelling action, advanced tactics articles for convoys and cyclists, designer's notes for the newest vehicle type in Car Wars -- hovercraft -- tips on duelling on a budget, and "Don't Kill the Messenger," Car Wars fiction from Christopher Burke. All that, plus a look at Schaumburg, IL for the North American Road Atlas and Survival Guide, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

30-page PDF. Stock #30-8724, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #7/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 7/1 was published in the spring of 1989. The cover story was "Microplanes," an article introducing a new vehicle type to Car Wars, but this first-ever full-size issue of Autoduel Quarterly was full of all kinds of great articles, including: "Black Gold Blues," a complete scenario, and three more mini-scenarios, all ready to play; articles on cloning, drawbridges, buying a new car, electronic warfare, and micro training; and variant rules for encumbrance and new skills. All that, plus letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

48-page PDF. Stock #30-8725, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #7/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 7/2 was published in the summer of 1989. It featured the scenarios "Mutant Zone," "Hoverball," and "Air Raiders," and the Car Wars story, "Rise of the Phoenix." "ObRacing" is a look at another death sport of the autoduelliing age, and "State of the Art" takes a look at just how the technology of autoduelling works in 2039. All that, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8726, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #7/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 7/3 was published in the fall of 1989. It featured articles on pedestrian combat tactics and racing tips, a detailed report of the 1999 AADA World Championships, a Car Wars short story called "And, Of Course, It Was Black," more on the latest technology in autoduelling in 2039, rules for strafing and rocket fire from aircraft, and a complete scenario for microplanes. All that, plus letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8727, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #7/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 7/4 was published in the winter of 1989. It featured "Full Moon Over Midville," a complete scenario with a horror theme using the Midville map and zombies, werewolves, and creepy monsters galore! Other articles covered cybernetics in Car Wars, the winning entries in the design contest for obstacle racing, "Death From Above," a mini-scenario using boats, hovercraft, helicopters, and microplanes, and a look at the taxicab in the world of autoduelling. All that, plus ArenaWatch, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8728, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #8/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 8/1 was published in the spring of 1990, and features two pieces of Car Wars fiction: "Amateur Night Rerun" by Leslie Fish, and "Right of Way" by Dan Lambert. The rest of the magazine was filled with the usual new vehicle designs, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more!

37-page PDF. Stock #30-8729, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #8/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 8/2 was published in the summer of 1990. It featured "Duelin' in the USA," a set of eight mini-scenarios set in different parts of the U.S.; "Angel of Mercy," Car Wars fiction by Laura Tripoli; and a look at the rules changes that the Second Edition of the Car Wars Compendium would be bringing to the game. All that plus a report from the 2040 World Racing Championships, another chapter from the AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide,, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8730, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #8/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 8/3 was published in the fall of 1990. It featured Aeroduel, the latest Car Wars supplement from Steve Jackson Games, and included mini-scenarios, Designer's Notes, and the full-length scenario "Aerowarriors" for the new aircraft expansion set. The issue also included articles on safely traversing the lands of the Native American Alliance, Emergency Vehicles in Car Wars, and two pieces of short fiction. All that, plus letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8731, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Autoduel Quarterly #8/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 8/4 was published in the winter of 1990. It featured a full-length scenario for the new Car Wars Tanks supplement, plus Designer's Notes by Craig Sheeley. Other articles included Monster Trucks in Car Wars, a look at mercenaries in the autoduelling world, and "The Bounty Hunter," Car Wars fiction by Kurt Bush. All that, plus ArenaWatch, an AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide look at Philadelphia, PA, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8732, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #9/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 9/1 was published in the spring of 1991, and the cover story features Car Warriors, the four-issue Marvel Epic mini-series comic based in the Car Wars universe. Other articles include a look at new official AADA tournament rules and some strategy tips to take advantage of those new rules, cruise missiles in Car Wars, and "Meeting the Inlaws," fiction by Andrew Metzger. All that, and an AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide look at Overland Park, KS, plus new vehicle designs, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8733, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #9/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 9/2 was published in the summer of 1991. It featured "Arenaball," a complete scenario for Car Wars that's actually an entire new game -- part autoduelling, part roller derby, part soccer. It also includes the use of military firepower in autoduelling arenas -- where it's legal, where it isn't, and how it's being regulated; and "Mercy Bullet," fiction by Karol Szolvani. All that plus another chapter from the AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide,, Arena Watch, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8734, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #9/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 9/3 was published in the fall of 1991. As a "Special Halloween Issue," it featured an article on building a Car Wars-legal hearse, dressing up an arena for those special Halloween events, and a very unofficial variant called "Vampire Cars." On top of that, there are 13 mini-scenarios in "Duellin' in the U.S.A. II," and "Epilogue," Car Wars fiction by Robert Garitta. All that, plus an AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide look at Fredericksburg, VA, Arena Watch, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8735, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #9/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 9/4 was published in the winter of 1991. The feature story was "Road Trip," Car Wars fiction by Laura Tripoli. The issue also had a full-length scenario by Car Wars fan favorite Craig Sheeley, "The Great ASP Hunt: The Final Chapter," and a look at the special rules and organization of the collegiate autoduelling scene. All that, plus ArenaWatch, an AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide look at Mercer County, NJ, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8736, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #10/1

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 10/1 was published in the spring of 1992, and the cover story is "State of the Art, Part 3," a look at the technology behind the latest features in the autoduelling world of 2042. Other articles include a look at new rules introduced in the Uncle Albert's Catalog From Hell, along with Designer's Notes on the newest jumping and falling rules, two pieces of Car Wars fiction, and a return visit from that crazy Uncle Schmalbert. All that, and an AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide look at Orlando, FL, plus Arena Watch, new vehicle designs, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8737, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #10/2

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 10/2 was published in the summer of 1992. It featured "A Day With the Deathrunners," a fictional profile and interview with a freelance squad that recovers duelling casualties in time to get them to a cloning center. It also includes "Telegraph Road," Car Wars fiction by Ian Knights, "The Black Asp Speaks" by Craig Sheeley, and "Charge of the Light Brigade," a full-length scenario. All that plus another chapter from the AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide,, Arena Watch, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8738, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #10/3

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 10/3 was published in the fall of 1992. The cover article was Craig Sheeley's "Roadwork: 2042," and it took a look at how highways were built and repaired in trigger-happy, high-combat world of Car Wars. On top of that, there are articles on off-road dune-buggy vehicle construction and combat, a variant using bicycle frames and pedal power for alternative vehicles and special combat, "National Past Time," Car Wars fiction about the invention of combat baseball in the era of autoduelling, and a silly look at card ideas that were rejected for Car Wars: The Card Game. All that, plus an AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide look at Sterling, CO, Arena Watch, letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, Uncle Albert's, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8739, $3.00.
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Autoduel Quarterly #10/4

Autoduel Quarterly Issue 10/4 was published in the winter of 1992, and was the last issue of ADQ ever, After this issue, coverage of Car Wars would continue in Pyramid magazine. Autoduel Quarterly went out with a bang, however, with "The Oldest Trick in the Book," great autoduelling fiction from Mike Stackpole, along with some Car Wars gadget designs from Steve Jackson, a complete report on the outbreak of war between the United States and Japan in the autoduelling world, and a 10-year index of all the articles in Autoduel Quarterly. All that, plus letters, columns, rules answers in ADQ&A, and more!

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8740, $3.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #1

The issue that started it all! Pyramid 1 is 72 pages of gaming goodness, including Designer's Notes for GURPS Atomic Horror and GURPS Supporting Cast, rules for Godzilla and other giant monsters in Ogre, and The Hole -- a multi-genre campaign background for any game system that is still a reader favorite 10 years later.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

78-page PDF. Stock #30-8801, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #2

Issue #2 of Pyramid magazine features some of the industry's leading players -- Steve Jackson, Mike Pondsmith, Erick Wujcik, Mike Stackpole, and Loyd Blankenship -- writing about what they see in gaming's future. There is also Designer's Notes for GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade and GURPS Bestiary 3/e, support for Ogre, and fantasy roleplaying campaign advice, plus the usual news, reviews, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

77-page PDF. Stock #30-8802, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #3

Published in the Fall of 1993, Pyramid Issue 3 features Designer's Notes for GURPS War Against the Chtorr and the first edition of GURPS Vehicles, an article on Tech Magic in GURPS, and a Toon take on the World of Darkness called "Hampire: The Masked Ace Raid." Plus the latest Industry News, a special report from Origins '93, a Car Wars scenario, reviews, columns, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules, too!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

77-page PDF. Stock #30-8803, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #4

Pyramid Issue 4 marks the return of Scott Haring to Steve Jackson Games as editor. Features include a preview of Castle Falkenstein, a Gen Con 1993 report; a look at GURPS New Sun, and a preview of Whispering Vault. Plus industry news, columns, Creatures of the Night, AADA news, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

77-page PDF. Stock #30-8804, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #5

Pyramid Issue 5 has Designer's Notes for Mayfair's Underground RPG, plus the WWF Roleplaying Game and GURPS Lensman. The issue also features Steve Jackson on gaming in Europe, Scott Haring on Cthulhu over the web, Japanese movie monsters in Ogre, the Cheese College for GURPS Magic, plus industry news, columns, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

77-page PDF. Stock #30-8805, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #6

Pyramid Issue 6 includes articles on martial arts in Vampire, witchcraft in the Hero System, Alchemy in Over The Edge, silly sidebars for Toon, and a preview of the latest Amber Diceless Roleplaying supplement. Plus the usual industry news, columns, letters, Creatures of the Night, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

78-page PDF. Stock #30-8806, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #7

Issue 7 of Pyramid marks the magazine's first anniversary, and we do it up right with massive adventures for Kult and GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade! We've also got an article for GURPS Cyberpunk, a complete boardgame, Terra Incognita, Warehouse 23, and the usual reviews, columns, news, Q&A, letters, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8807, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #8

Pyramid issue 8 took a bold look at the latest frontiers in gaming (at the time) -- electronic gaming, including those new-fangled game consoles, home computers, and the internet. Other features include the conclusion of "Tervel's Haven," a two-part GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade adventure, an In Nomine short story by Derek Pearcy, Creatures of the Night, Warehouse 23, and Terra Incognita, plus the usual columns, industry news, reviews, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

94-page PDF. Stock #30-8808, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #9

Pyramid issue 9 was published in September, 1994. It featured a first look at INWO, another chapter of "Angels in the Architecture," our series of preview articles for In Nomine, plus "Unlimited Mana" for GURPS. Dinosaurs take on autoduellists in "CAR-NASAURS," and other articles look at Origins '94, Will in GURPS, mock horror adventures, using the internet for gaming, and Hampire live-action roleplaying. All that, plus the usual reviews, industry news, columns, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

94-page PDF. Stock #30-8809, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #10

It's a blast of gaming nostalgia! Pyramid 10 was the November/December 1994 issue, and featured a report on Gen Con '94, a look at that new phenomenon known as collectible card games, articles for Earthdawn and Nexus, reviews of Castle Falkenstein, Whispering Vault, and more, and the GURPS Vehicles setting, "Sprockets." Plus the usual features, ads for games that came out years ago (and at least one ad for a game that never came out . . .), the top gaming news of the day, plus Bruno! and Murphy's Rules.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

94-page PDF. Stock #30-8810, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #11

Pyramid issue 11 was the official INWO Preview issue, with articles by Steve Jackson and Scott Haring and dozens of card art examples. The issue also featured GURPS Tékumel, a GURPS conversion for the classic Empire of the Petal Throne roleplaying game, plus the usual columns, industry news, reviews, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

93-page PDF. Stock #30-8811, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #12

A special Pyramid at a special price! Pyramid #12 features a ton of coverage of INWO, including the official card list for the Limited Edition and complete Tournament Rules; an adventure for Castle Falkenstein; GURPS CthulhuPunk Designer's Notes; a sneak peek at In Nomine and the usual industry news, columns, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules.

Please note, however, what this issue does not have. Due to limitations to our original license agreement, we cannot reproduce the excerpt from Neal Stephenson's excellent cyberpunk novel Snow Crash – those pages have been omitted. We still think Snow Crash is a great book, and it's definitely worth tracking down.

Also, please note that the two special INWO cards promised on the front cover of this issue do not come with the PDF.

And as with all issues of Pyramid e23 offers, because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

And that's why this issue of Pyramid is only $2.99.

82-page PDF. Stock #30-8812, $4.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #13

Issue #13 of Pyramid was far from unlucky, featuring Steffan O' Sullivan's "Yrth 1100" campaign for GURPS Fantasy 2/e, an adventure for GURPS Atomic Horror 2/e, Designer's Notes for GURPS Places of Mystery, and more! There's a sneak peek at the Ice Age expansion for Magic: The Gathering, a generic Old West setting, and more goodies for INWO, along with the usual industry news, columns, reviews, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

Please note that the two free Ice Age cards promised on the front cover of this issue do not come with the PDF.

And as with all issues of Pyramid e23 offers, because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

102-page PDF. Stock #30-8813, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #14

Issue 14 of Pyramid features "Lady Mijiko's Holiday," a complete adventure with stats for four different games, including GURPS, Bushido, RuneQuest Land of Ninja, and AD&D Oriental Adventures. We also have Designer's Notes for GURPS IOU, a new bloodline for Vampire: The Masquerade, articles on "Willful Weapons" and fancy new archery equipment, plus the usual columns, industry news, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

102-page PDF. Stock #30-8814, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #15

Issue 15 of Pyramid was published in September of 1995. The lead article, "Time of the Tyrants," is a complete adventure suitable for GURPS Cliffhangers, GURPS Time Travel, or GURPS Dinosaurs. Steve Jackson spills the beans about INWO Assassins, there's a complete Toon adventure, plus support for GURPS Ice Age and GURPS Cyberpunk. All that, plus the usual industry news, cartoons, columns, Q&A, Supporting Cast, Warehouse 23, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

102-page PDF. Stock #30-8815, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #16

Issue 16 of Pyramid features "Trespasser's Isle," a complete GURPS Horror adventure, plus GURPS stats for "Time of the Tyrants" from issue 15, plus designer's notes for GURPS Greece and articles for Earthdawn, German INWO, and the Car Wars Card Game. All that, plus reports from Origins, Gen Con, Europe, and Brazil, and the usual industry news, Q&A, columns, letters, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

102-page PDF. Stock #30-8816, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #17

Issue 17 of Pyramid features a complete cyberpunk adventure wiht stats for three different systems, plus "CybEarth," a complete science-fiction game world featuring sentient robots trying to emulate a long-dead society. There's also articles on Tech Magic in GURPS, designer's notes for GURPS Celtic Myth, and an article on Mirror Magic. All that plus reviews, industry news, columns, Q&A, letters, Supporting Cast, the very first Adventure Pizza, Bruno! times two, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

94-page PDF. Stock #30-8817, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #18

Issue 18 of Pyramid features a complete science-fiction adventure with GURPS stats, plus "Die Hard 1872," a complete Castle Falkenstein adventure. There's also a grimoire for Earthdawn, a generic fantasy adventure idea, and previews of the Mythos CCG and INWO Assassins, the first supplement for INWO. All that, plus reviews, industry news, columns, Q&A, letters, Supporting Cast, the very first Adventure Pizza, Bruno! times two, and Murphy's Rules! The only thing missing is the free INWO Assassins card promised on the cover -- it's not available in this PDF.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

102-page PDF. Stock #30-8818, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #19

Issue 19 of Pyramid features a complete adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, lycanthropes in Shadowrun, artifacts for Castle Falkenstein, and a new race for GURPS Aliens. There's also plenty of coverage of INWO, with details on the 1996 world championship tournaments and INWO OMNI, a new way to play at conventions. All that, plus reviews, industry news, columns, Q&A, letters, Supporting Cast, Warehouse 23, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules! The only thing missing is the free Highlander card promised on the cover -- it's not available in this PDF.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8819, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #20

Issue 20 of Pyramid features a complete adventure for GURPS Goblins, an adventure for Castle Falkenstein, new Idols for Shadowrun, and new martial arts styles for GURPS. All that, plus reviews, industry news, columns, Q&A, letters, Creatures of the Night, Adventure Pizza, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules! The only thing missing is the free Middle-earth card promised on the cover -- it's not available in this PDF.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8820, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #21

Issue 21 of Pyramid debuted in September 1996. The cover story was a first look at Knightmare Chess by Steffan O'Sullivan, but the issue also has Designer's Notes for GURPS Goblins and GURPS Alternate Earths, a sneak preview of Dino Hunt by Steve Jackson, the In Nomine short story "A Bright Dream" by Derek Pearcy, the winners of the INWO Design-A-Card contest, and a complete adventure for Mage: The Ascension. And, of course, there's news, columns, Creatures of the Night, Q&A, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more! The only thing missing are the free Dino Hunt and Fantasy Adventures cards promised on the cover -- they're not available in this PDF.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8821, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #22

Issue 22 of Pyramid was published in November 1996. The cover story was "A Dark Dream," the second half of the In Nomine short story started in issue 21 by Derek Pearcy, but this time from the demons' point of view. Chris Pramas took a look at the Red Spears, real-life groups of Chinese peasants who banded together for protection in the early 20th century, complete with game stats and adventure ideas. This issue also had Designer's Notes for GURPS Vehicles, sneak peeks at GURPS Autoduel and Warehouse 23, and a complete adventure for GURPS IOU. And, of course, there's news, columns, Adventure Pizza, Q&A, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8822, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #23

Issue 23 of Pyramid was published in January 1997. 23 is a mystical number of great importance to the Illuminati and all things weird and mystical, so Issue 23 was, appropriately, the Illuminated issue. It started off with three strategy articles for INWO, a mystical adventure by S. John Ross for GURPS Warehouse 23, new spells for GURPS IOU, a crossover advenutre combining Castle Falkenstein with Over the Edge, sample characters for In Nomine, rules variants and an FAQ for Knightmare Chess, and Designer's Notes for GURPS Mecha and GURPS Dinosaurs. And, of course, there's news, columns, Q&A, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8823, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #24

Issue 24 of Pyramid was originally released in March 1997, and features a preview of Dream Pod 9's Jovian Chronicles game, a report on the INWO German Championships, a scenario for In Nomine, Designer's Notes for GURPS Planet Krishna and GURPS Reign of Steel, GURPS rules for magical tattoos, and optional rules for Shadowrun. All that, plus the regular industry news, columns, letters, AADA News, Q&A, Creatures of the Night, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

85-page PDF. Stock #30-8824, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #25

Issue 25 of Pyramid was originally released in May 1997, and features a GURPS Space adventure, and two adventures for In Nomine, plus a new character type for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the latest incarnation of Traveller, a tournament update, and a visit to Warehouse 23. All that, plus the regular industry news, columns, letters, AADA News, Q&A, Supporting Cast, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8825, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #26

Issue 26 of Pyramid came out in July 1997. The lead article was "Mage Trap," a fantasy adventure for GURPS Magic. Other articles included a look at low-tech economies, In Nomine character writeups for the "Song for the Dead" adventure in issues 24 and 25, a complete adventure for Deadlands, an article for Over the Edge by author John Nephew, and a dialogue between an angel and a demon about In Nomine. On top of all that, there's the usual industry news (Wizards of the Coast buys TSR!), letters, Q&A, Warehouse 23 and Supporting Cast, columns, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules.

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8826, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #27

Issue 27 of Pyramid came out in September 1997, and features an in-depth look at the Heavy Gear computer game from Activision and the Dream Pod 9 RPG it was based on. There's more for In Nomine, a short adventure for GURPS Fantasy, GURPS Black Ops Designer's Notes, solitaire rules for INWO, and a look at the historical Knights Templar and Hospitaller. All that, plus industry news, columns, letters, Terra Incognita and Adventure Pizza, Q&A, Bruno!, and Murphy's Rules!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8827, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #28

Issue 28 of Pyramid came out in November 1997. The cover story was "A Minor Emergency," a complete adventure for GURPS Black Ops by Gene Seabolt. Stephen Kenson had a complete science fiction setting, "The Unity War," for GURPS or any other game, and Joshua Marquart combined Call of Cthulhu with Paranoia in "Call of Computer," an adventure where you won't know whether to laugh or scream. And, of course, there's news, columns, Creatures of the Night, Warehouse 23, Q&A, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8828, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #29

Pyramid Issue 29 was the penultimate paper issue, coming out in January 1998. It featured "Hour of the Knife," a complete adventure for Whispering Vault, a hilarious adventure for GURPS Goblins called "Gentleman Johnson's Fish Market," articles on magic in GURPS Cyberworld;, the historical realities of feudal land ownership, a new character type for Feng Shui, horrible jobs for demons in In Nomine, and Designer's Notes for both GURPS Bio-Tech and GURPS Discworld. And, of course, there's news, columns, Adventure Pizza, Q&A, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

86-page PDF. Stock #30-8829, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Pyramid Classic #30

Pyramid Issue 30 was the final paper issue, bringing the five-year run to a close in March 1998. It wasn't the end of Pyramid, of course, as the publication continued -- first as a weekly online gaming magazine, and then as a monthly PDF that is rocking readers to this day! Issue 30 featured "Survival of the Fittest," a complete adventure for Shadowrun, the GURPS Cyberpunk adventure "Gothic Surf Shop," a look at autoduelling in Japan, tough jobs for angels in In Nomine, and how to acquire respect in GURPS Discworld. And, of course, there's news, columns, Warehouse 23, Q&A, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electronic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.

69-page PDF. Stock #30-8830, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS Lite (Fourth Edition)

GURPS Lite is a 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS rules. It covers the essentials of character creation, combat, success rolls, adventuring, and game mastering for GURPS Fourth Edition.

The purpose of GURPS Lite is to help GMs bring new players into the game, without frightening them with the full GURPS Basic Set and a stack of worldbooks! With GURPS Lite, you can show your players just how simple GURPS really is.

32-page PDF. Stock #31-0004, $FREE.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Transhuman Space: Singapore Sling

In this introductory adventure for Transhuman Space, the players must dig through a mountain of disinformation to find out which of Singapore's elite is ready to sell out his country to the Transpacific Socialist Alliance. But in an era where the truth can be manipulated as easily as pixels on a computer screen, who can you trust?

21-page PDF. Stock #37-1140, $7.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Transhuman Space: Polyhymnia

At the dawn of the 22nd century, Polyhymnia is the coolest nightclub anywhere. In a world where entertainment fads rise and fall so fast that you can't even call them Flavors of the Month anymore, Polyhymnia has been around for more than a decade. It's never in the same place – or even the same experience – twice, thanks to the brilliance of Julian Cressida, one of the greatest memeticists ever.

But somebody has learned a devastating 15-year-old secret about Julian Cressida, and they need an independent group to get to the bottom of things . . . before Polyhymnia's true purpose is revealed.

Polyhymnia is a new adventure for Transhuman Space available only from e23!

21-page PDF. Stock #37-1141, $7.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Flare Star

Unexplored star systems always promise untold wealth. But the system the crew of one far trader is currently exploring has shown the other side of the balance sheet. There is nothing of value here.

Until they detect the Other . . .

Flare Star is an adventure for GURPS Traveller where a derelict alien vessel leads the crew of a far trader to a planet filled with danger . . . and opportunity. Flare Star originally appeared in four consecutive issues of Space Gamer magazine. It has also appeared in the Journal of the Traveller Aid Society online. But best of all . . . it's free!

16-page PDF. Stock #37-1150, $FREE.

Shipped December 30, 2004


The terraforming of Mars continues, with the inevitability of a giant machine rolling across the red dust of Sol's fourth planet . . . but there are still those who would like nothing more than to throw a planet-sized monkey wrench into that machine. The ecoterrorists (or preservationists, depending on your point of view) of Red Mars usually like their sabotage loud, flashy, and destructive -- but this time they're trying something subtle. Can your Mars Defense Force team figure out who's the saboteur at the research station on the Hellas icecap -- and where else their plans may lead? "Grendel" is written by Jim Cambias, author of GURPS Mars.

13-page PDF. Stock #37-2101, $4.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS Classic: Technomancer – Funny New Guys

"Funny New Guys" is the Vietnam-era sourcebook for the world of Technomancer -- the modern-day melding of science and magic. Go "in country" via helicopter -- or magic carpet -- and try to survive your 13-month tour. But don't worry, you won't be a Funny New Guy for long. You'll become an experienced old hand in no time . . . or you'll be dead. "Funny New Guys" has rules for Vietnam-era American infantry, from draft or enlistment through training and processing, to daily life on a firebase and out on patrol. It comes complete with an introductory scenario pitting a typical squad against a Viet Cong ambush. Can the Funny New Guys pull their own weight in their first combat experience in country?

51-page PDF. Stock #37-2102, $9.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Caravan to Ein Arris

The city is buzzing when Halmaro the Red, the head of the Merchants' Guild and one of the most powerful men in all the land, organizes the greatest caravan the world has ever seen to deliver his daugher, her dowry, and many fabulous gifts to Ein Arris for her wedding to Prince Eiru. There is a wealth of opportunity for resourceful adventurers who are as strong with their wits as their swords -- are you one of them?

Caravan to Ein Arris was originally published in GURPS Basic Set, in the pre-revision Third Edition. It has been out of print for years, but now is back in PDF form. Ein Arris is a wonderful introductory adventure for the GURPS system, and best of all . . . it's free!

That's right, Caravan to Ein Arris is one of the free samples we're giving away to show off just how cool e23, our online store for PDFs and other downloads, is. So fire up your computer and give it a spin, and take the Caravan to Ein Arris!

26-page PDF. Stock #37-2103, $FREE.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Weird War II: The Secret of the Gneisenau

The German battlecruiser Gneisenau has just successfully -- and most improbably -- run the gauntlet of the English Channel. Now her luck has to hold as she steams toward Holland with the Allies in pursuit. And luck is a commodity in short supply . . .

The Secret of the Gneisenau is an adventure for GURPS WWII: Weird War II, where the fantastic is mixed with the historical for the ultimate in roleplaying. Can you save the Gneisenau before her luck runs out? Can you save yourselves?

19-page PDF. Stock #37-2104, $6.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

A Minor Emergency

A Minor Emergency is an adventure for GURPS Black Ops, Steve Jackson Games' high-powered setting of powerful, well-trained operatives armed with the latest in weaponry and other technology, facing the unknown forces that threaten Life As We Know It. In A Minor Emergency, your team of Black Ops must track down two of your own. Have they gone over to the other side, or have they just snapped? Or is it something else entirely?

A Minor Emergency was originally published in Pyramid #28, which you can purchase in its entirety here on e23.

12-page PDF. Stock #37-2105, $4.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

It's Not Just a Game

It's Not Just A Game is an adventure for GURPS IOU. Illuminati University is not your typical institute of higher learning -- and when the students decide to blow off steam with a game of Killer, you can bet it's, well, not just a game. This adventure can be played by just about any high-powered group of GURPS characters as a chance to just slug it out with whoever's in range, just for the fun of it.

It's Not Just A Game was originally published in Pyramid #22, which you can purchase in its entirety here on e23.

11-page PDF. Stock #37-2106, $5.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Rescue Mission

The Chinese research outpost called Minotaur Station has gone silent . . . and in the early days of Mars exploration, everybody planetside helps everybody else, because they're all you've got for several hundred million miles. But why are the Chinese rescuers so hostile? And just where did everybody go?

Rescue Mission is an adventure for the "Domed Mars" setting in GURPS Mars, and it's written by GURPS Mars author Jim Cambias. Can you solve the mystery and watch your back in an environment so unforgiving that the tiniest mistake could kill?

9-page PDF. Stock #37-2107, $4.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Temple of the Lost Gods

For a thousand years, the Temple of the Lost Gods was the seat of power of the chief religion in the land -- until the Madness Plague devastated the country and made the people doubt the power of the Lost Gods. Today, all that remains is ruins, and the whispered rumors that someone -- or something -- stirs within . . .

Temple of the Lost Gods is an adventure setting for GURPS Third Edition that can be used in any fantasy or historical campaign, right up to the modern day. Written by Chad Underkoffler (of Pyramid Magazine's "Campaign In a Box" fame), Temple of the Lost Gods has six distinct settings, from the very beginning of a new religion, through its glorious rise to power, and on to its tragic fall. Each setting features character templates and gorgeous maps by Scott Reeves -- 12 in all! Underkoffler also has an alternate magic system for GURPS Third Edition specially designed for this setting. And the whole thing uses only the rules in Third Edition GURPS Lite, so it's great for beginners or groups that want fewer rules and more action!

72-page PDF. Stock #37-2108, $11.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

The Best of JTAS, Volume 1

For over 20 years, the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society was the voice of GURPS Traveller and its fans. In February of 2000, Steve Jackson Games revived JTAS as an online magazine. This book collects in one volume the very best articles published online in the year 2000, as picked by JTAS editor Loren Wiseman. There's material for GURPS Traveller 2/e, of course, but many articles can be used in any GURPS Traveller campaign -- or any other science-fiction setting, for that matter.

130-page PDF. Stock #37-2501, $11.99.

Shipped December 30, 2004

A Very Nybbas Christmas

Nybbas, the Demon Prince of the Media, has a plan to move the meaning of Christmas even more toward the secular and commercial – make it last all year! It's not as crazy as it sounds, and there are reasons that forces on both sides might want to see it happen. This fun-filled In Nomine scenario can be played by characters from either side, as either a part of your regular campaign or as a change of pace.

A Very Nybbas Christmas was originally published in the online version of Pyramid, but this is the first time you can get it in PDF form . . . and it's free! That's right, A Very Nybbas Christmas is one of the free samples we're giving away to show off just how cool e23, our online store for PDFs and other downloads, is. So fire up your computer and give it a spin, and celebrate A Very Nybbas Christmas!

23-page PDF. Stock #37-3340, $FREE.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

City On Fire

When a Cherub of War discovers a relic of great importance has gone missing, he declares war on the Infernal Tethers in town, turning the delicate balance of power into a City On Fire . . .

City On Fire is an In Nomine adventure that can be played by either angelic or demonic characters. The Cherub's actions are upsetting the status quo, and his targets just might be innocent victims (as innocent as Infernals get these days, anyway . . .)!

City On Fire is an e23 Original -- written exclusively for e23 and available nowhere else!

30-page PDF. Stock #37-3341, $8.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Feast of Blades

A crowded airport. A horrific crash. A deranged passenger who thinks he controls demons. And, above and beneath it all, weaving throughout the carnage like some malevolent snake, are secrets. Secrets on top of secrets, some better left unspoken, others in desperate need of exposure . . .

Feast of Blades is a complete adventure for In Nomine, designed for beginning level celestials (or even human servants) of either side. Secrets, after all are a double-edged knife that can harm those who fight for Good or for Evil . . . depending on how they are wielded . . .

Written by S. John Ross, Feast of Blades was originally included in the In Nomine GM Screen, now long out of print. This version has been updated by In Nomine Line Editor Beth McCoy, who has revised the Superiors introduced in this adventure to match later books in the In Nomine line, and added complete GURPS In Nomine stats for all NPCs in the adventure.

46-page PDF. Stock #37-3342, $9.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

Strange Bedfellows

This introductory adventure for In Nomine puts a group of angels in almost as much danger from the bickering factions among themselves as it does from their demon foes . . . When an angel goes AWOL, his fellow followers or Michael want to find out what's wrong and bring him back -- while the servitors of Judgment just want to slap the cuffs on and bring him to angelic justice! Can the players keep the peace and solve the mystery? They can if they can overcome their differences and make Strange Bedfellows . . .

31-page PDF. Stock #37-3343, $8.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

The Rats' Revenge

What starts as a low-level investigation into a disturbance in the Symphony reveals a horrific murder with no possible suspects, a mental institution with several nasty secrets, and a rivalry between two Demon Princes that threatens to boil over into all-out war! Can your angels solve the mystery of The Rats' Revenge?

This adventure for In Nomine was first published in the online version of Pyramid in 2001, but this version also includes complete GURPS In Nomine stats for all non-player characters and other important elements.

32-page PDF. Stock #37-3344, $9.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS WWII: Doomed White Eagle

Squeezed between two much larger rivals who looked at their territory with hungry eyes, Poland was dealt perhaps the worst hand in World War II. Yet through it all, the Polish people fought for their freedom with determination and honor, paying the highest price of any country in the global conflict.

GURPS WWII: Doomed White Eagle gives you everything you need to know to play Polish characters in a WWII roleplaying campaign, or to use them as NPCs. Whether on the Eastern Front, joining Soviet forces they had only recently fought, fleeing to Allied-held territory in hopes of regrouping and striking back against the Germans, or staying home and playing a deadly cat-and-mouse game as a resistance fighter against the Nazi occupation, Doomed White Eagle has all the WWII adventure you can handle.

55-page PDF. Stock #37-8002, $9.00.
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Shipped December 30, 2004

GURPS WWII: Leyte Gulf

The tide was turning in the Pacific, and the U.S. was sending a massive invasion force to the Philippines. Protecting the troopships was the Third Fleet, and Japan saw its last best chance to win the war. The result was the largest naval battle in history . . . the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

GURPS WWII: Leyte Gulf puts you in the middle of this epic battle, with roleplaying opportunities in the skies above the dueling fleets, on deck as the shells rain down, or below the surface hunting the enemy while they hunt you. Leyte Gulf has a complete account of the battle, complete GURPS stats (Third Edition) for six warships, and GM advice for building a scenario -- or a complete campaign -- around the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

45-page PDF. Stock #37-8003, $6.00.
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Shipped December 10, 2004

Goth Shirt

If You're Really a Goth, Where Were You When We Sacked Rome?

Ah, the good old days, when a horde of marauding invaders could pillage a city at their leisure. Remind everyone of who the real Goths were with this high-quality black shirt.

The crop top version of the Goth T-Shirt has the letters printed in metallic silver instead of white; it's also shorter, made of stretchier material, and more form-fitting, so you may wish to get a slightly larger size than usual. The small size measures approximately 12" across the chest when not stretched.

One T-Shirt. Stock #W23-1001, $18.00.

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