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澳洲幸运8手机版开奖直播-2024澳洲幸运8开奖直播视频-查询 May 21, 2024: Dive Deep Into CARnage 2 With Videos, Podcasts, And More

CARnage 2, the sequel to the first CARnage STL set, is now live on Kickstarter! 
The files for CARnage 2 contain an unbelievable amount of new cars, terrain, accessories, and more, and they are compatible with all Car Wars 6th Edition games. We are excited to announce that the first stretch goal has been unlocked! 
We previewed the venture on our Daily Illuminator last week, and now you can learn even more about this exciting project by watching the amazing videos below. 
Several of our friends have hosted streams during which they painted cars from CARnage 2, and we would like to share a few with you.
The Band of Badgers, based in the United Kingdom, have already completed three streams, and one featured Will from the SJ Games team! They will also be hosting another one on May 23rd, and we highly recommend you check it out. The first two can be found here and her . . .


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澳洲幸运8开奖结果体彩下载-2024澳洲八开奖结果历史-澳洲幸运8开奖结果查询官网 May 20, 2024: Mmmm . . . Playmats

There are certain parts of modern gaming that are commonplace nowadays but nearly unheard of when I started. Like playmats. I have dozens of the things, and just about any game we play – especially card games – has a playmat that we use each session. Sure, I could probably get away with one plain playmat for all my games, but where's the fun in that? It's great to have something different, thematic, and colorful each time we play.

We have a number of playmat options available at Warehouse 23. I selected The Fantasy Trip Spiral Arena as one to showcase because 1) the color red is awesome, and 2) it's a neat pattern but one that doesn't distract too much from most games.

Are there any other commonplace bits of gaming goodness you find indispensable nowadays that weren't around when you began gaming? Feel free to share your insights on the forums!

-- Steven Marsh

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May 19, 2024: More Post-Game Possibilities

I recently shared a story about a post-game ritual of my wife's family. While writing that one, I thought of another possibility that's not quite as widely implemented, but has been done at our gaming table sometimes to decent effect: If you plan to enjoy an afternoon or evening of multiple games, with the expectation of doing several different ones during that time frame, then consider letting the loser choose the next game.

Of course, this simple idea requires consensus on the details. For example, most games have multiple non-winners, so there needs to be a way to pick the one who had the least successful rally (say, lowest level in a Munchkin game). And among a really competitive (?) group, you might have the odd situation of folks trying to lose worse in a game they know they can't win, which can skew the current game. But for the right group, "last place picks next game" . . . [more]

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May 18, 2024: Open Sauce Project

You know what's a quick-and-easy snack for the gaming table? Chicken nuggets – or "nugs," as those in the "stuffing one's face with breaded poultry morsels" industry put it. It's straightforward to toss 'em in the oven before the games begin, and later recover them during a quiet gameplay moment.

Why not see about whipping up a different sauce for each game session? This can be in addition to any staples that the table likes (barbecue sauce, hot sauce, chocolate syrup, etc. – does anyone read these parenthetical asides?). (Yes. Yes, we do. Eeeew. Gross. -- Editor.) This doesn't need to be anything too exotic; literally mixing a commercial barbecue sauce with some teriyaki sauce can make something interesting. If there's a common gaming group, maybe swap around the creation duties. Give each session's sauce a special or themed name, and enjoy your nugs! Can I tempt anyone with . . . [more]

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May 17, 2024: 澳洲幸运8快乐查询官网网站-168开奖结果查询|澳洲幸运八手机版直播今天最新开奖结果记录 Lumberjills: A LARP About The WWII Women's Timber Corps

I've been fascinated with living history since my 3rd grade class went to Hale Farm and Village to learn more 19th century life in Northeast Ohio. So when I heard about Lumberjills, a LARP about a little known aspect of World War II history, I was intrigued. 
Lumberjills is based on the Women's Timber Corps. During World War II, the British armed forces needed wood for everything from barracks to telegraph poles. Lumberjacks from America were brought to the Scottish Highlands to help harvest trees, but they couldn't keep up with the overwhelming demand. British women answered the call and learned how to fell trees, then process, mill and transport the resulting lumber. Lumberjills is based on first-hand accounts from the women who lived, loved, and found themselves during this time.
Women's contributions were crucial to the war effort, and I'm always fascinated to learn . . .


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